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Bhuvaneshwari Meditation

The Thousand Names of Sri Bhuvaneshwari, Beginning with “Bha”
श्री भुवनेश्वरी भकारादि सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रं – महातन्त्रार्णवं
The Thousand-Name Hymn of Sri Bhuvaneshwari, from the Maha Tantra
ॐ अस्य श्रीभुवनेश्वरीसहस्रनाममन्त्रस्य सदाशिव ऋषिः ।
Om, Sage Sadashiva is the seer of this Thousand-Name Mantra of Sri Bhuvaneshwari.
अनुष्टुप् छन्दः । श्री भुवनेश्वरीदेवता ।
The meter is Anushtubh. The deity is Sri Bhuvaneshwari.
लज्जा (ह्रीं) बीजम् । कमला (श्रीं) शक्तिः । वाग्भवं (ऐं) कीलकम् ।
The seed syllable is “Hreem” for modesty, “Shreem” for Kamala (Lakshmi), and “Aim” for speech.
श्री भुवनेश्वरी प्रसादसिद्ध्यर्थे सर्वार्थसाधने
For achieving the grace of Sri Bhuvaneshwari and attaining all goals,
सहस्रनामजपे विनियोगः ॥
This thousand-name recitation is dedicated.
ध्यानम् –
बालरविद्युतिमिन्दुकिरीटां तुङ्गकुचां नयनत्रययुक्ताम् ।
One who shines like the young sun, crowned with a crescent moon, with high breasts and three eyes.
स्मेरमुखीं वरदाङ्कुशपाशाभीतिकरां प्रभजे भुवनेशीम् ॥
With a smiling face, granting boons, holding a goad and noose, dispelling fears; I meditate on Bhuvaneshwari.
अथ श्रीभुवनेश्वरीभकारादिसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् ।
Thus begins the Thousand-Name Hymn of Sri Bhuvaneshwari.
ॐ भुवनेशी भुवाराघ्या भवानी भयनाशिनी ।
Om, She who is the mistress of the world, worshipped by the earth, and the goddess of existence, destroyer of fear.
भवरूपा भवानन्दा भवसागरतारिणी ॥ १॥
She embodies existence, bliss of existence, and rescues from the ocean of worldly life.
भवोद्भवा भवरता भवभारनिवारिणी ।
She is born of existence, delights in existence, and removes the burden of worldly life.
भव्याना भव्यनयना भव्यरूपा भवौषधिः ॥ २॥
She is auspicious, with beautiful eyes, embodying auspiciousness, and is the medicine for worldly existence.
भव्याङ्गना भव्यकेशी भवपाशविमोचिनी ।
She is an auspicious lady, with beautiful hair, who liberates from the bonds of worldly life.
भव्यासना भव्यवस्त्रा भव्याभरणभूषिता ॥ ३॥
She sits in auspiciousness, wears auspicious clothes, adorned with auspicious ornaments.
भगरूपा भगानन्दा भगेशी भगमालिनी ।
She embodies fortune, delights in fortune, is the goddess of fortune, and wears a garland of fortune.
भगविद्या भगवती भगक्लिन्ना भगावहा ॥ ४॥
She is the knowledge of fortune, the supreme goddess, soaked in fortune, and bestows fortune.
भगाङ्कुरा भगक्रीडा भगाद्या भगमङ्गला ।
She is the sprout of fortune, delights in fortune, is the origin of fortune, and embodies auspiciousness.
भगलीला भगप्रीता भगसम्पद्भगेश्वरी ॥ ५॥
She plays with fortune, delights in fortune, possesses all wealth, and is the supreme ruler of fortune.
भगालया भगोत्साहा भगस्था भगपोषिणी ।
She dwells in fortune, is enthusiastic about fortune, resides in fortune, and nourishes fortune.
भगोत्सवा भगविद्या भगमाता भगस्थिता ॥ ६॥
She celebrates fortune, possesses the knowledge of fortune, is the mother of fortune, and remains established in fortune.
भगशक्तिर्ब्भगनिधिब्भगपूजा भगेषणा ।
She is the power of fortune, the treasure of fortune, the worship of fortune, and the desire for fortune.
भगस्वापा भगाधीशा भगार्च्या भगसुन्दरी ॥ ७॥
She is the sleep of fortune, the supreme ruler of fortune, the one who is worshipped with fortune, and the beautiful one of fortune.
भगरेखा भगस्नेहा भगस्नेहविवर्धिनी ।
She is the line of fortune, affection of fortune, and increases the affection for fortune.
भगिनी भगबीजस्था भगभोगविलासिनी ॥ ८॥
She is the sister of fortune, resides in the seed of fortune, and delights in the enjoyment of fortune.
भगाचारा भगाधारा भगाकारा भगाश्रया ।
She follows the path of fortune, holds the essence of fortune, takes the form of fortune, and is the refuge of fortune.
भगपुष्पा भगश्रीदा भगपुष्पनिवासिनी ॥ ९॥
She is the flower of fortune, bestows the beauty of fortune, and resides among the flowers of fortune.
भव्यरूपधरा भव्याभव्यपुष्पैरलङ्कृता ।
She holds an auspicious form, adorned with auspicious and inauspicious flowers.
भव्यलीला भव्यमाला भव्याङ्गी भव्यसुन्दरी ॥ १०॥
She performs auspicious plays, wears an auspicious garland, has auspicious limbs, and is the beautiful one of auspiciousness.
भव्यशीला भव्यलीला भव्याक्षी भव्यनाशिनी ।
She has an auspicious nature, performs auspicious plays, has auspicious eyes, and destroys inauspiciousness.
भव्याङ्गिका भव्यवाणी भव्यकान्तिर्ब्भगालिनी ॥ ११॥
She has auspicious limbs, speaks auspicious words, has auspicious radiance, and possesses the charm of fortune.
भव्यत्रपा भव्यनदी भव्यभोगविहारिणी ।
She has auspicious modesty, is an auspicious river, and delights in auspicious enjoyment.
भव्यस्तनी भव्यमुखी भव्यगोष्ठी भयापहा ॥ १२॥
She has auspicious breasts, an auspicious face, dwells in auspicious gatherings, and removes fear.
भक्तेश्वरी भक्तिकरी भक्तानुग्रहकारिणी ।
She is the goddess of devotees, bestows devotion, and grants blessings to devotees.
भक्तिदा भक्तिजननी भक्तानन्दविवर्द्धिनी ॥ १३॥
She grants devotion, is the mother of devotees, and enhances the bliss of devotion.
भक्तिप्रिया भक्तिरता भक्तिभावविहारिणी ।
She is beloved to devotees, delights in devotion, and dwells in the essence of devotion.
भक्तिशीला भक्तिलीला भक्तेशी भक्तिपालिनी ॥ १४॥
She has a nature of devotion, performs the play of devotion, is the goddess of devotion, and protects devotion.
भक्तिविद्या भक्तविद्या भक्तिर्भक्तिविनोदिनी ।
She is the knowledge of devotion, the wisdom of devotees, and delights in devotion.
भक्तिरीतिर्ब्भक्तिप्रीतिर्भक्तिसाधनसाधिनी ॥ १५॥
She is the path of devotion, the love of devotion, and accomplishes the means of devotion.
भक्तिसाध्या भक्तसाध्या भक्तिराली भवेश्वरी ।
She is attainable through devotion, the goal of devotees, and the gathering of devotion; she is the supreme goddess.
भटविद्या भटानन्दा भटस्था भटरूपिणी ॥ १६॥
She is the knowledge of warriors, brings joy to warriors, dwells among warriors, and takes the form of a warrior.
भटमान्या भटस्थान्या भटस्थाननिवासिनी ।
She is respected by warriors, dwells in the place of warriors, and resides in their abode.
भटिनी भटरूपेशी भटरूपविवर्द्धिनी ॥ १७॥
She is a warrior goddess, the supreme in the form of a warrior, and enhances the form of warriors.
भटवेशी भटेशी च भटभाग्भवसुन्दरी ।
She wears the attire of warriors, is the goddess of warriors, and is the beautiful one who shares their valor.
भटप्रीत्या भटरीत्या भटानुग्रहकारिणी ॥ १८॥
She delights in warriors, follows the ways of warriors, and grants blessings to them.
भटाराध्या भटबोध्या भटबोधविनोदिनी ।
She is worshipped by warriors, instructs them, and delights in imparting knowledge to them.
भटैस्सेव्या भटवरा भटार्च्च्या भटबोधिनी ॥ १९॥
She is served by warriors, the greatest among warriors, worshipped by warriors, and imparts understanding to them.
भटकीर्त्त्या भटकला भटपा भटपालिनी ॥ २०॥
She is the fame of warriors, the art of warriors, the protector of warriors, and their sustainer.
भटैश्वर्या भटाधीशा भटेक्षा भटतोषिणी ।
She possesses the wealth of warriors, is the ruler of warriors, looks after warriors, and pleases them.
भटेशी भटजननी भटभाग्यविवर्द्धिनी ।
She is the goddess of warriors, the mother of warriors, and enhances the fortune of warriors.
भटमुक्तिर्भटयुक्तिर्ब्भटप्रीतिविवर्द्धिनी ॥ २१॥
She is the liberation of warriors, the union of warriors, and enhances the love of warriors.
भाग्येशी भाग्यजननी भाग्यस्था भाग्यरूपिणी ।
She is the goddess of fortune, the mother of fortune, resides in fortune, and embodies fortune.
भावनाभावकुशला भावदा भाववर्द्धिनी ॥ २२॥
She is skillful in meditation, bestows feelings, and enhances emotions.
भावरूपा भावरसा भावान्तरविहारिणी ।
She embodies emotions, enjoys the essence of emotions, and moves within the realm of emotions.
भावाङ्कुरा भावकला भावस्थाननिवासिनी ॥ २३॥
She is the sprout of emotions, the art of emotions, and resides in the state of emotions.
भावातुरा भावधृता भावमध्यव्यवस्थिता ।
She is filled with emotions, holds emotions, and is established in the center of emotions.
भावऋद्धिर्ब्भावसिद्धिर्ब्भावादिर्ब्भावभाविनी ॥ २४॥
She is the perfection of emotions, the accomplishment of emotions, the beginning of emotions, and the essence of emotions.
भावालया भावपरा भावसाधनतत्परा ।
She is the abode of emotions, devoted to emotions, and intent on the practices of emotions.
भावेश्वरी भावगम्या भावस्था भावगर्विता ॥ २५॥
She is the goddess of emotions, attainable through emotions, resides in emotions, and is proud of emotions.
भाविनी भावरमणी भारती भारतेश्वरी ।
She is full of emotions, delights in emotions, is eloquent in speech, and is the goddess of India.
भागीरथी भाग्यवती भाग्योदयकरीकला ॥ २६॥
She is the goddess Ganga (Bhagirathi), full of fortune, and possesses the art that brings forth fortune.
भाग्याश्रया भाग्यमयी भाग्या भाग्यफलप्रदा ।
She is the refuge of fortune, full of fortune, the essence of fortune, and bestows the fruits of fortune.
भाग्यचारा भाग्यसारा भाग्यधारा च भाग्यदा ॥ २७॥
She moves within fortune, is the essence of fortune, the stream of fortune, and the giver of fortune.
भाग्येश्वरी भाग्यनिधिर्भाग्या भाग्यसुमातृका ।
She is the goddess of fortune, the treasure of fortune, fortunate, and the supreme mother of fortune.
भाग्येक्षा भाग्यना भाग्यभाग्यदा भाग्यमातृका ॥ २८॥
She is the vision of fortune, the knower of fortune, the bestower of fortune, and the mother of fortune.
भाग्येक्षा भाग्यमनसा भाग्यादिर्भाग्यमध्यगा ।
She envisions fortune, has a mind for fortune, is the beginning of fortune, and is present in the center of fortune.
भ्रातेश्वरी भ्रातृमती भ्रात्र्यम्बा भ्रातृपालिनी ॥ २९॥
She is the goddess of brothers, possesses brothers, is the mother of brothers, and protects brothers.
भ्रातृस्था भ्रातृकुशला भ्रामरी भ्रमराम्बिका ।
She resides with brothers, is skilled with brothers, is a bee (Bhramari), and the mother bee.
भीतस्था भीतजननी भीतिर्भीतिविनाशिनी ।
She is the embodiment of fear, the mother of fear, is herself fear, and destroys fear.
भीतिदा भीतिहा भीत्या भीत्याकारविहारिणी ॥ ३४॥
She bestows fear, destroys fear, is full of fear, and dwells in the form of fear.
भीतेशी भीतिशमनी भीतस्थाननिवासिनी ।
She is the goddess of fear, the one who pacifies fear, and resides in the place of fear.
भीतिरीत्या भीतिकला भीतीक्षा भीतिहारिणी ॥ ३५॥
She follows the way of fear, possesses the art of fear, has the sight of fear, and removes fear.
भीमेशी भीमजननी भीमा भीमनिवासिनी ।
She is the goddess of the formidable, mother of the mighty, herself is mighty, and resides among the mighty.
भीमेश्वरी भीमरता भीमाङ्गी भीमपालिनी ॥ ३६॥
She is the sovereign of the mighty, delights in might, has a formidable body, and protects the mighty.
भीमनादी भीमतन्त्री भीमैश्वर्यविवर्द्धिनी ।
She is the beginning of might, the controller of might, and enhances the prosperity of might.
भीमगोष्ठी भीमधात्री भीमविद्याविनोदिनी ।
She gathers the mighty, sustains the mighty, and delights in the knowledge of might.
भीमविक्रमदात्री च भीमविक्रमवासिनी ।
She grants valor to the mighty and resides in the courage of the mighty.
भीमानन्दकरीदेवी भीमानन्दविहारिणी ॥ ३८॥
She bestows joy to the mighty and delights in the bliss of might.
भीमोपदेशिनी नित्या भीमभाग्यप्रदायिनी ।
She is the eternal instructor of the mighty and bestows fortune to the mighty.
भीमसिद्धिर्ब्भीमऋद्धिर्ब्भीमभक्तिविवर्द्धिनी ॥ ३९॥
She is the perfection of might, the prosperity of might, and enhances devotion to might.
भीमस्था भीमवरदा भीमधर्मोपदेशिनी ।
She resides among the mighty, grants boons to the mighty, and instructs in the dharma of the mighty.
भीष्मेश्वरी भीष्मभृती भीष्मबोधप्रबोधिनी ॥ ४०॥
She is the goddess of the resolute, sustainer of the resolute, and enlightens the wisdom of the resolute.
भीष्मश्रीर्ब्भीष्मजननी भीष्मज्ञानोपदेशिनी ।
She is the glory of the resolute, mother of the resolute, and teacher of wisdom to the resolute.
भीष्मस्था भीष्मतपसा भीष्मेशी भीष्मतारिणी ॥ ४१॥
She resides among the resolute, is worshipped through austerity, is the goddess of the resolute, and liberates the resolute.
भीष्मलीला भीष्मशीला भीष्मरोदिनिवासिनी ।
She performs the play of the resolute, possesses a resolute nature, and dwells among the lamentations of the resolute.
भीष्माश्रया भीष्मवरा भीष्महर्षविवर्द्धिनी ॥ ४२॥
She is the refuge of the resolute, grants boons to the resolute, and increases the joy of the resolute.
भुवना भुवनेशानी भुवनानन्दकारिणी ।
She is the world, the goddess of the world, and brings joy to the world.
भुविस्था भुविरूपा च भुविभारनिवारिणी ॥ ४३॥
She resides on the earth, takes the form of the earth, and removes the burdens of the earth.
भुक्तिस्था भुक्तिदा भुक्तिर्ब्भुक्तेशी भुक्तिरूपिणी ।
She resides in enjoyment, grants enjoyment, is herself enjoyment, and takes the form of enjoyment.
भुक्तेश्वरी भुक्तिदात्री भुक्तिराकाररूपिणी ॥ ४४॥
She is the goddess of enjoyment, the giver of enjoyment, and embodies the form of enjoyment.
भुजङ्गस्था भुजङ्गेशी भुजङ्गाकाररूपिणी ।
She resides among serpents, is the goddess of serpents, and embodies the form of a serpent.
भुजङ्गी भुजगावासा भुजङ्गानन्ददायिनी ॥ ४५॥
She is serpentine, dwells with serpents, and bestows joy upon serpents.
भूतेशी भूतजननी भूतस्था भूतरूपिणी ।
She is the goddess of elements, the mother of beings, resides among beings, and takes the form of beings.
भूतेश्वरी भूतलीला भूतवेषकरी सदा ॥ ४६॥
She is the supreme goddess of beings, engages in the play of beings, and always takes the guise of beings.
भूतदात्री भूतकेशी भूतधात्री महेश्वरी ।
She is the giver of beings, the one with the hair of beings, and the sustainer of beings, the supreme goddess.
भूतरीत्या भूतपत्नी भूतलोकनिवासिनी ॥ ४७॥
She follows the path of beings, is the consort of beings, and resides in the world of beings.
भूतसिद्धिर्ब्भूतऋद्धिर्भूतानन्दनिवासिनी ।
She is the accomplishment of beings, the prosperity of beings, and resides in the bliss of beings.
भूतकीर्त्तिर्ब्भूतलक्ष्मीर्ब्भूतभाग्यविवर्द्धिनी ॥ ४८॥
She is the fame of beings, the wealth of beings, and enhances the fortune of beings.
भूतार्च्च्या भूतरमणी भूतविद्याविनोदिनी ।
She is worshipped by beings, delights in beings, and enjoys the knowledge of beings.
भूतपौत्री भूतपुत्री भूतभार्याविधीश्वरी ॥ ४९॥
She is the granddaughter of beings, the daughter of beings, and the sovereign of the wives of beings.
भूपस्था भूपरमणी भूतेशी भूपपालिनी ।
She resides on the earth, delights in the earth, is the goddess of beings, and protects the earth.
भूपमाता भूपनिभा भूपैश्वर्यप्रदायिनी ॥ ५०॥
She is the mother of the earth, resembles the earth, and bestows the sovereignty of the earth.
भूपचेष्टा भूपनेष्ठा भूपभावविवर्द्धिनी ।
She exerts herself for the earth, is devoted to the earth, and enhances the essence of the earth.
भूपस्वसा भूपभूरी भूपपौत्री तथा वधूः ॥ ५१॥
She is the sister of the earth, possesses abundance, is the granddaughter of the earth, and also a bride.
भूपकीर्त्तिर्ब्भूपनीतिर्ब्भूपभाग्यविवर्द्धिनी ।
She is the fame of the earth, the conduct of the earth, and enhances the fortune of the earth.
भूपक्रिया भूपक्रीडा भूपमन्दरवासिनी ॥ ५२॥
She performs acts for the earth, plays for the earth, and resides in the mountain of the earth.
भूपार्च्च्या भूपसंराध्या भूपभोगविवर्द्धिनी ।
She is worshipped by the earth, adored by the earth, and enhances the enjoyment of the earth.
भूपाश्रया भूपकला भूपकौतुकदण्डिनी ॥ ५३॥
She is the refuge of the earth, the art of the earth, and the wielder of the rod of curiosity on earth.
भूषणस्था भूषणेशी भूषा भूषणधारिणी ।
She resides among adornments, is the goddess of adornments, herself is an adornment, and is the wearer of ornaments.
भूषणाधारधर्मेशी भूषणाकाररूपिणी ॥ ५४॥
She is the foundation of ornaments, the goddess of virtues, and embodies the form of adornments.
भूपताचारनिलया भूपताचारभूषिता ।
She resides in the conduct of kings and is adorned by the virtues of kings.
भूपताचाररचना भूपताचारमण्डिता ॥ ५५॥
She is the creation of the conduct of kings and is adorned with the behavior of kings.
भूपताचारधर्मेशी भूपताचारकारिणी ।
She is the goddess of the righteous conduct of kings and enacts the behavior of kings.
भूपताचारचरिता भूपताचारवर्जिता ॥ ५६॥
She embodies the character of kings’ conduct and is free from the faults of kings’ conduct.
भूपताचारवृद्धिस्था भूपताचारवृद्धिदा ।
She resides in the growth of kings’ conduct and bestows growth in the conduct of kings.
भूपताचारकरणा भूपताचारकर्मदा ॥ ५७॥
She causes the conduct of kings and grants actions in the conduct of kings.
भूपताचारकर्मेशी भूपताचारकर्मदा ।
She is the goddess of kings’ actions in conduct and bestows actions in the conduct of kings.
भूपताचारदेहस्था भूपताचारकर्मिणी ॥ ५८॥
She resides in the body of kings’ conduct and performs actions within kings’ conduct.
भूपताचारसिद्धिस्था भूपताचारसिद्धिदा ।
She resides in the accomplishment of kings’ conduct and grants accomplishment in kings’ conduct.
भूपताचारधर्माणी भूपताचारधारिणी ॥ ५९॥
She embodies the righteousness of kings’ conduct and upholds the conduct of kings.
भूपतानन्दलहरी भूपतेश्वररूपिणी ।
She is the wave of kings’ joy and takes the form of the lord of kings.
भूपतेर्न्नीतिनीतिस्था भूपतिस्थानवासिनी ॥ ६०॥
She resides in the policy of kings and dwells in the place of kings.
भूपतिस्थानगीर्वाणी भूपतेर्वरधारिणी ।
She is the voice of kings’ place and holds the boon of kings.
भेषजानन्दलहरी भेषजानन्दरूपिणी ।
She is the wave of joy in medicine and takes the form of joy in medicine.
भेषजानन्दमहिषी भेषजानन्दधारिणी ॥ ६१॥
She is the queen of joy in medicine and upholds the joy in medicine.
भेषजानन्दकर्मेशी भेषजानन्ददायिनी ॥ ६२॥
She is the goddess of actions in joy in medicine and bestows joy in medicine.
भैषजी भैषजाकन्दा भेषजस्थानवासिनी ।
She is the essence of medicine, the source of medicine, and resides in the place of medicine.
भेषजेश्वररूपा च भेषजेश्वरसिद्धिदा ॥ ६३॥
She takes the form of the lord of medicine and grants perfection in medicine.
भेषजेश्वरधर्मेशी भेषजेश्वरकर्मदा ।
She is the goddess of the righteousness of the lord of medicine and grants actions of the lord of medicine.
भेषजेश्वरकर्मेशी भेषजेश्वरकर्मिणी ।
She is the goddess of the actions of the lord of medicine and performs the actions of the lord of medicine.
भेषजाधीशजननी भेषजाधीशपालिनी ।
She is the mother of the supreme of medicine and protects the supreme of medicine.
भेषजाधीशरचना भेषजाधीशमङ्गला ॥ ६५॥
She is the creation of the supreme of medicine and the auspicious one of the supreme of medicine.
भेषजारण्यमध्यस्था भेषजारण्यरक्षिणी ।
She dwells in the heart of the forest of medicine and protects the forest of medicine.
भैषज्यविद्या भैषज्या भैषज्येप्सितदायिनी ॥ ६६॥
She is the knowledge of medicine, the goddess of medicine, and grants the desired blessings of medicine.
भैषज्यस्था भैषजेशी भैषज्यानन्दवर्द्धिनी ।
She resides in medicine, is the goddess of medicine, and enhances the joy of medicine.
भैरवी भैरवीचारा भैरवाकाररूपिणी ।
She is the fierce goddess Bhairavi, follows the path of Bhairavi, and embodies the form of Bhairava.
भैरवाचारचतुरा भैरवाचारमण्डिता ।
She is skilled in the practices of Bhairava and is adorned with the practices of Bhairava.
She is Bhairavi, the consort of Bhairava, and bestows the bliss of Bhairava.
भैरवानन्दरूपेशी भैरवानन्दरूपिणी ।
She is the goddess of the bliss of Bhairava and embodies the form of the bliss of Bhairava.
भैरवानन्दनिपुणा भैरवानन्दमन्दिरा ॥ ६९॥
She is skilled in the bliss of Bhairava and is the temple of the bliss of Bhairava.
भैरवानन्दतत्त्वज्ञा भैरवानन्दतत्परा ।
She has knowledge of the essence of Bhairava’s bliss and is devoted to the essence of Bhairava’s bliss.
भैरवानन्दकुशला भैरवानन्दनीतिदा ॥ ७०॥
She is proficient in Bhairava’s bliss and grants the path of Bhairava’s bliss.
भैरवानन्दप्रीतिस्था भैरवानन्दप्रीतिदा ।
She is established in the love of Bhairava’s bliss and grants the love of Bhairava’s bliss.
भैरवानन्दमहिषी भैरवानन्दमालिनी ॥ ७१॥
She is the queen of Bhairava’s bliss and wears the garland of Bhairava’s bliss.
भैरवानन्दमतिदा भैरवानन्दमातृका ।
She grants wisdom of Bhairava’s bliss and is the mother of Bhairava’s bliss.
भैरवाधारजननी भैरवाधाररक्षिणी ।
She is the mother of Bhairava’s foundation and protects the foundation of Bhairava.
भैरवाधाररूपेशी भैरवाधाररूपिणी ।
She is the supreme goddess of Bhairava’s foundation and embodies the form of Bhairava’s foundation.
भैरवाधारनिचया भैरवाधारनिश्चया ॥ ७३॥
She is the accumulation of Bhairava’s foundation and the certainty of Bhairava’s foundation.
भैरवाधारतत्त्वज्ञा भैरवाधारतत्त्वदा ।
She knows the essence of Bhairava’s foundation and imparts the essence of Bhairava’s foundation.
भैरवाश्रयतन्त्रेशी भैरवाश्रयमन्त्रिणी ॥ ७४॥
She is the goddess of Bhairava’s refuge in Tantra and the protector of Bhairava’s refuge through mantras.
भैरवाश्रयरचना भैरवाश्रयरञ्जिता ।
She is the creation of Bhairava’s refuge and is adorned by Bhairava’s refuge.
भैरवाश्रयनिर्द्धारा भैरवाश्रयनिर्ब्भरा ॥ ७५॥
She is the stream of Bhairava’s refuge and filled with Bhairava’s refuge.
भैरवाश्रयनिर्द्धारा भैरवाश्रयनिर्द्धरा ।
She is the unbroken flow of Bhairava’s refuge and the undefiled stream of Bhairava’s refuge.
भैरवानन्दबोधेशी भैरवानन्दबोधिनी ॥ ७६॥
She is the goddess of the wisdom of Bhairava’s bliss and awakens the wisdom of Bhairava’s bliss.
भैरवानन्दबोधस्था भैरवानन्दबोधदा ।
She resides in the wisdom of Bhairava’s bliss and grants the wisdom of Bhairava’s bliss.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यवरदा भैरव्यैश्वर्यदायिनी ॥ ७७॥
She grants the wealth of Bhairava and bestows the opulence of Bhairava.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यरचना भैरव्यैश्वर्यवर्द्धिनी ।
She is the creation of Bhairava’s wealth and enhances the wealth of Bhairava.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यसिद्धिस्था भैरव्यैश्वर्यसिद्धिदा ॥ ७८॥
She resides in the accomplishments of Bhairava’s wealth and grants success in Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यसिद्धेशी भैरव्यैश्वर्यरूपिणी ।
She is the goddess of the accomplishments of Bhairava’s wealth and embodies the form of Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यसुपथा भैरव्यैश्वर्यसुप्रभा ॥ ७९॥
She is the supreme path of Bhairava’s wealth and shines with the brilliance of Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यवृद्धिस्था भैरव्यैश्वर्यवृद्धिदा ।
She resides in the growth of Bhairava’s wealth and bestows the increase of Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यकुशला भैरव्यैश्वर्यकामदा ।
She is skilled in Bhairava’s wealth and fulfills the desires related to Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यसुलभा भैरव्यैश्वर्यसम्प्रदा ।
She is easily accessible in Bhairava’s wealth and bestows the completeness of Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यविशदा भैरव्यैश्वर्यविक्रिया ॥ ८१॥
She is the clarity of Bhairava’s wealth and the transformation of Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यविनया भैरव्यैश्वर्यवेदिता ।
She embodies the humility of Bhairava’s wealth and is known through Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यमहिमा भैरव्यैश्वर्यमानिनी ॥ ८२॥
She is the glory of Bhairava’s wealth and takes pride in Bhairava’s wealth.
भैरव्यैश्वर्यनिरता भैरव्यैश्वर्यनिर्मिता ।
She is devoted to Bhairava’s wealth and is created from Bhairava’s wealth.
भोगेश्वरी भोगमाता भोगस्था भोगरक्षिणी ॥ ८३॥
She is the goddess of enjoyment, the mother of enjoyment, resides in enjoyment, and protects enjoyment.
भोगक्रीडा भोगलीला भोगेशी भोगवर्द्धिनी ॥ ८४॥
She delights in the play of enjoyment, engages in the pastimes of enjoyment, is the goddess of enjoyment, and enhances enjoyment.
भोगाङ्गी भोगरमणी भोगाचारविचारिणी ।
She has the form of enjoyment, delights in enjoyment, and reflects upon the conduct of enjoyment.
भोगाश्रया भोगवती भोगिनी भोगरूपिणी ॥ ८५॥
She is the refuge of enjoyment, full of enjoyment, a mistress of enjoyment, and takes the form of enjoyment.
भोगाङ्कुरा भोगविधा भोगाधारनिवासिनी ।
She is the sprout of enjoyment, the method of enjoyment, and resides in the foundation of enjoyment.
भोगाम्बिका भोगरता भोगसिद्धिविधायिनी ॥ ८६॥
She is the goddess of enjoyment, delights in enjoyment, and grants the accomplishments of enjoyment.
भोजनानन्दलहरी भोजनान्तर्विहारिणी ।
She is the wave of joy in nourishment and dwells in the inner joy of nourishment.
भोजनानन्दमहिमा भोजनानन्दभोग्यदा ॥ ८७॥
She is the greatness of joy in nourishment and bestows the experience of joy in nourishment.
भोजनानन्दरचना भोजनानन्दहर्षिता ।
She is the creation of joy in nourishment and is delighted by the joy in nourishment.
भोजनाचारचतुरा भोजनाचारमण्डिता ।
She is skilled in the conduct of nourishment and is adorned by the conduct of nourishment.
भोजनाचारचरिता भोजनाचारचर्चिता ॥ ८८॥
She embodies the character of nourishment’s conduct and is discussed for her conduct in nourishment.
भोजनाचारसम्पन्ना भोजनाचारसंयुता ।
She is enriched by the conduct of nourishment and is united with the practices of nourishment.
भोजनाचारचित्तस्था भोजनाचाररीतिदा ।
She resides in the mind of nourishment’s conduct and grants the practices of nourishment’s conduct.
भोजनाचारविभवा भोजनाचारविस्तृता ॥ ९०॥
She is the prosperity of nourishment’s conduct and is expanded through the conduct of nourishment.
भोजनाचाररमणी भोजनाचाररक्षिणी ।
She delights in nourishment’s conduct and protects the practices of nourishment’s conduct.
भोजनाचारहरिणी भोजनाचारभक्षिणी ॥ ९१॥
She is the joy within nourishment’s conduct and consumes the essence of nourishment’s conduct.
भोजनाचारसुखदा भोजनाचारसुस्पृहा ।
She bestows happiness in the conduct of nourishment and is desirable in the practices of nourishment’s conduct.
भोजनाहारसुरसा भोजनाहारसुन्दरी ॥ ९२॥
She is the essence of taste in nourishment and the beauty of nourishment.
भोजनाहारचरिता भोजनाहारचञ्चला ।
She embodies the nature of nourishment and is swift in the practices of nourishment.
भोजनास्वादविभवा भोजनास्वादवल्लभा ॥ ९३॥
She is the prosperity of taste in nourishment and is beloved for the taste in nourishment.
भोजनास्वादसन्तुष्टा भोजनास्वादसम्प्रदा ।
She is satisfied with the taste in nourishment and bestows the fulfillment of nourishment’s taste.
भोजनास्वादसुपथा भोजनास्वादसंश्रया ॥ ९४॥
She is the supreme path of taste in nourishment and the refuge in the taste of nourishment.
भोजनास्वादनिरता भोजनास्वादनिर्णिता ।
She is devoted to the taste of nourishment and is determined in the essence of nourishment’s taste.
She is the goddess of the sacred syllable “Bhau” and embodies the form of the syllable “Bhau.”
भौक्षरस्था भौक्षरादिर्ब्भौक्षरस्थानवासिनी ॥ ९५॥
She resides in the sacred syllable “Bhau,” is the beginning of “Bhau,” and dwells in the realm of “Bhau.”
भङ्कारी भर्म्मिणी भर्मी भस्मेशी भस्मरूपिणी ।
She is the destroyer, filled with deception, illusion, the goddess of ashes, and embodies the form of ashes.
भङ्कारा भञ्चना भस्मा भस्मस्था भस्मवासिनी ॥ ९६॥
She is the action of breaking, the destroyer, the ash, resides in ashes, and dwells within ashes.
भक्षरी भक्षराकारा भक्षरस्थानवासिनी ।
She is the consumer, has the form of consumption, and resides in the place of consumption.
भक्षराढ्या भक्षरेशी भरूपा भस्वरूपिणी ॥ ९७॥
She is filled with consumption, the goddess of consumption, the essence, and embodies brilliance.
भूधरस्था भूधरेशी भूधरी भूधरेश्वरी ।
She resides in the mountains, is the goddess of the mountains, is a supporter, and the supreme goddess of the mountains.
भूधरानन्दरमणी भूधरानन्दपालिनी ॥ ९८॥
She is the delight of mountain joy and sustains the joy of the mountains.
भूधरानन्दजननी भूधरानन्दवासिनी ।
She is the mother of mountain joy and resides in the joy of the mountains.
भूधरानन्दरमणी भूधरानन्दरक्षिता ॥ ९९॥
She is the beautiful one of mountain joy and protects the joy of the mountains.
भूधरानन्दमहिमा भूधरानन्दमन्दिरा ॥ १००॥
She is the greatness of mountain joy and the temple of mountain joy.
भूधरानन्दसर्वेशी भूधरानन्दसर्वसूः ।
She is the supreme goddess of all mountain joy and the origin of all mountain joy.
भूधरानन्दमहिषी भूधरानन्ददायिनी ॥ १०१॥
She is the queen of mountain joy and bestows the joy of the mountains.
भूधराधीशधर्मेशी भूधरानन्दधर्मिणी ।
She is the goddess of the virtue of the mountain lord and embodies the virtue of mountain joy.
She is the goddess of the virtue of the mountain lord and grants the accomplishments of the mountain lord.
भूधराधीशकर्मेशी भूधराधीशकामिनी ।
She is the goddess of the actions of the mountain lord and is the beloved of the mountain lord.
भूधराधीशनिरता भूधराधीशनिर्णिता ॥ १०३॥
She is devoted to the mountain lord and is established in the essence of the mountain lord.
भूधराधीशनीतिस्था भूधराधीशनीतिदा ।
She resides in the policy of the mountain lord and grants the policy of the mountain lord.
भूधराधीशभाग्येशी भूधराधीशभामिनी ॥ १०४॥
She is the goddess of the fortune of the mountain lord and shines with the fortune of the mountain lord.
भूधराधीशबुद्धिस्था भूधराधीशबुद्धिदा ।
She resides in the wisdom of the mountain lord and grants the wisdom of the mountain lord.
भूधराधीशवरदा भूधराधीशवन्दिता ॥ १०५॥
She grants boons to the mountain lord and is worshipped by the mountain lord.
भूधराधीशाऽराध्या च भूधराधीशचर्चिता ।
She is adored by the mountain lord and is praised by the mountain lord.
भङ्गेश्वरी भङ्गमयी भङ्गस्था भङ्गरूपिणी ॥ १०६॥
She is the goddess of dissolution, embodies dissolution, resides in dissolution, and takes the form of dissolution.
भङ्गाक्षता भङ्गरता भङ्गार्च्च्या भङ्गरक्षिणी ।
She is invincible in dissolution, delights in dissolution, is worshipped through dissolution, and protects dissolution.
भङ्गावती भङ्गलीला भङ्गभोगविलासिनी ॥ १०७॥
She is full of dissolution, engages in the play of dissolution, and delights in the enjoyment of dissolution.
भङ्गरङ्गप्रतीकाशा भङ्गरङ्गनिवासिनी ।
She appears as the color of dissolution and resides within the realm of dissolution.
भङ्गाशिनी भङ्गमूली भङ्गभोगविधायिनी ॥ १०८॥
She consumes dissolution, is the root of dissolution, and provides the enjoyment of dissolution.
भङ्गाश्रया भङ्गबीजा भङ्गबीजाङ्कुरेश्वरी ।
She is the refuge of dissolution, the seed of dissolution, and the goddess of the sprouts of dissolution.
She is the wonder of the machine of dissolution and the goddess of the machine of dissolution.
भङ्गयन्त्रविमोहिस्था भङ्गयन्त्रविनोदिनी ॥ ११०॥
She resides in the fascination of the machine of dissolution and delights in the machine of dissolution.
भङ्गयन्त्रविचारस्था भङ्गयन्त्रविचारिणी ।
She dwells in the contemplation of the machine of dissolution and is the one who reflects upon the machine of dissolution.
भङ्गयन्त्ररसानन्दा भङ्गयन्त्ररसेश्वरी ॥ १११॥
She is the joy within the essence of the machine of dissolution and the goddess of the essence of the machine of dissolution.
भङ्गयन्त्ररसस्वादा भङ्गयन्त्ररसस्थिता ।
She savors the essence of the machine of dissolution and resides within the essence of the machine of dissolution.
भङ्गयन्त्ररसाधारा भङ्गयन्त्ररसाश्रया ॥ ११२॥
She is the support of the essence of the machine of dissolution and the refuge within the essence of dissolution’s machine.
भूधरात्मजरूपेशी भूधरात्मजरूपिणी ।
She is the supreme goddess of the form of the mountain’s daughter and embodies the form of the mountain’s daughter.
भूधरात्मजयोगेशी भूधरात्मजपालिनी ।
She is the goddess of the yoga of the mountain’s daughter and protects the mountain’s daughter.
भूधरात्मजमहिमा भूधरात्मजमालिनी ॥ ११३॥
She is the greatness of the mountain’s daughter and wears the garland of the mountain’s daughter.
भूधरात्मजभूतेशी भूधरात्मजरूपिणी ।
She is the goddess of the essence of the mountain’s daughter and embodies the form of the mountain’s daughter.
भूधरात्मजसिद्धिस्था भूधरात्मजसिद्धिदा ॥ ११४॥
She resides in the accomplishments of the mountain’s daughter and grants the accomplishments of the mountain’s daughter.
भूधरात्मजभावेशी भूधरात्मजभाविनी ।
She is the goddess of the essence of the mountain’s daughter and embodies the essence of the mountain’s daughter.
भूधरात्मजभोगस्था भुधरात्मजभोगदा ॥ ११५॥
She resides in the enjoyment of the mountain’s daughter and bestows the enjoyment of the mountain’s daughter.
भूधरात्मजभोगेशी भूधरात्मजभोगिनी ।
She is the goddess of the enjoyment of the mountain’s daughter and the enjoyer of the mountain’s daughter’s pleasures.
भव्या भव्यतरा भव्याभाविनी भववल्लभा ॥ ११६॥
She is auspicious, more auspicious, the creator of auspiciousness, and beloved of the world.
भावातिभावा भावाख्या भातिभा भीतिभान्तिका ।
She is beyond emotion, named as emotion, the brilliance of existence, and the destroyer of fear.
भासान्तिभासा भासस्था भासाभा भास्करोपमा ॥ ११७॥
She is the light within the radiance, resides in light, is the essence of brilliance, and is like the sun.
भास्करस्था भास्करेशी भास्करैश्वर्यवर्द्धिनी ।
She resides in the sun, is the goddess of the sun, and enhances the glory of the sun.
भास्करानन्दजननी भास्करानन्ददायिनी ॥ ११८॥
She is the mother of the joy of the sun and bestows the joy of the sun.
भास्करानन्दमहिमा भास्करानन्दमातृका ।
She is the greatness of the joy of the sun and the primal source of the sun’s joy.
भास्करानन्दनैश्वर्या भास्करानन्दनेश्वरा ॥ ११९॥
She is the wealth of the joy of the sun and the supreme goddess of the sun’s joy.
भास्करानन्दसुपथा भास्करानन्दसुप्रभा ॥ १२०॥
She is the supreme path of the sun’s joy and the radiant brilliance of the sun’s joy.
भास्करानन्दनिचया भास्करानन्दनिर्मिता ।
She is the accumulation of the sun’s joy and the creation born of the sun’s joy.
भास्करानन्दनीतिस्था भास्करानन्दनीतिदा ॥ १२१॥
She resides in the policy of the sun’s joy and grants the guidance of the sun’s joy.
भास्करोदयमध्यस्था भास्करोदयमध्यगा ।
She resides in the center of the sun’s rise and is the core of the sun’s rising essence.
भास्करोदयतेजःस्था भास्करोदयतेजसा ।
She resides in the radiance of the sun’s rise and is one with the brilliance of the sun’s rising.
भास्कराचारचतुरा भास्कराचारचन्द्रिका ॥ १२२॥
She is skilled in the practices of the sun and is the moonlight of the sun’s conduct.
भास्कराचारपरमा भास्कराचारचण्डिका ।
She is supreme in the conduct of the sun and is fierce in the sun’s practices.
भास्कराचारपरमा भास्कराचारपारदा ॥ १२३॥
She is the highest in the practices of the sun and grants transcendence in the sun’s practices.
भास्कराचारमुक्तिस्था भास्कराचारमुक्तिदा ।
She resides in the liberation of the sun’s conduct and grants liberation in the sun’s conduct.
भास्कराचारसिद्धिस्था भास्कराचारसिद्धिदा ॥ १२४॥
She resides in the accomplishments of the sun’s practices and grants the success of the sun’s practices.
भास्कराचरणाधारा भास्कराचरणाश्रिता ।
She is the support of the sun’s steps and takes refuge in the sun’s steps.
भास्कराचारमन्त्रेशी भास्कराचारमन्त्रिणी ॥ १२५॥
She is the goddess of the mantras of the sun’s conduct and the reciter of the sun’s conduct mantras.
भास्कराचारवित्तेशी भास्कराचारचित्रिणी ।
She is the goddess of the wealth of the sun’s conduct and the creator of the sun’s conduct’s visual forms.
भास्कराधारधर्मेशी भास्कराधारधारिणी ॥ १२६॥
She is the goddess of the foundation of the sun’s virtue and holds the foundation of the sun.
भास्कराधाररचना भास्कराधाररक्षिता ।
She is the creation of the sun’s foundation and is protected by the foundation of the sun.
भास्कराधारकर्माणी भास्कराधारकर्मदा ॥ १२७॥
She performs the actions of the sun’s foundation and bestows the actions of the sun’s foundation.
भास्कराधाररूपेशी भास्कराधाररूपिणी ।
She is the supreme goddess of the form of the sun’s foundation and embodies the form of the sun’s foundation.
भास्कराधारकाम्येशी भास्काराधारकामिनी ॥ १२८॥
She is the goddess desired by the sun’s foundation and is the beloved of the sun’s foundation.
भास्कराधारसांशेशी भास्कराधारसांशिनी ।
She is the goddess of the essence of the sun’s foundation and embodies the essence of the sun’s foundation.
भास्कराधारधर्मेशी भास्कराधारधामिनी ॥ १२९॥
She is the goddess of the virtue of the sun’s foundation and the abode of the sun’s foundation.
भास्कराधारचक्रस्था भास्कराधारचक्रिणी ।
She resides in the wheel of the sun’s foundation and is the goddess of the wheel of the sun’s foundation.
भास्करेश्वरक्षत्रेशी भास्करेश्वरक्षत्रिणी ॥ १३०॥
She is the goddess of the domain of the sun’s lord and the protector of the sun’s realm.
भास्करेश्वरजननी भास्करेश्वरपालिनी ।
She is the mother of the sun’s lord and the protector of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरसर्वेशी भास्करेश्वरशर्वरी ॥ १३१॥
She is the supreme goddess of the sun’s lord and the goddess of night for the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरसद्भीमा भास्करेश्वरसन्निभा ।
She is the ever-fierce presence of the sun’s lord and resembles the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरसुपथा भास्करेश्वरसुप्रभा ॥ १३२॥
She is the supreme path of the sun’s lord and the brilliant radiance of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरयुवती भास्करेश्वरसुन्दरी ।
She is the youthful aspect of the sun’s lord and the beauty of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरमूर्तेशी भास्करेश्वरमूर्तिनी ।
She is the goddess of the form of the sun’s lord and embodies the form of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरमित्रेशी भास्करेश्वरमन्त्रिणी ॥ १३३॥
She is the goddess of the friend of the sun’s lord and the reciter of the mantras for the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरसानन्दा भास्करेश्वरसाश्रया ।
She is the joy of the sun’s lord and the refuge of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरचित्रस्था भास्करेश्वरचित्रदा ॥ १३४॥
She resides in the wonders of the sun’s lord and bestows the wonders of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरचित्रेशी भास्करेश्वरचित्रिणी ।
She is the goddess of the sun’s lord’s wonders and embodies the wonders of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरभाग्यस्था भास्करेश्वरभाग्यदा ।
She resides in the fortune of the sun’s lord and grants the fortune of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरभाग्येशी भास्करेश्वरभाविनी ॥ १३६॥
She is the goddess of the fortune of the sun’s lord and embodies the essence of the sun’s lord’s fortune.
भास्करेश्वरकीर्त्त्येशी भास्करेश्वरकीर्तिनी ।
She is the goddess of the fame of the sun’s lord and is known by the fame of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरकीर्तिस्था भास्करेश्वरकीर्तिदा ।
She resides in the fame of the sun’s lord and grants the fame of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरकरुणा भास्करेश्वरकारिणी ।
She is the compassion of the sun’s lord and the one who acts on behalf of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरगीर्वाणी भास्करेश्वरगारुडी ॥ १३८॥
She is the eloquence of the sun’s lord and the eagle (Garuda) of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरदेहस्था भास्करेश्वरदेहदा ।
She resides in the body of the sun’s lord and grants the body of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरनादस्था भास्करेश्वरनादिनी ।
She resides in the sound of the sun’s lord and embodies the sound of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरनादेशी भास्करेश्वरनादिनी ।
She is the goddess of the call of the sun’s lord and embodies the call of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरकोशस्था भास्करेश्वरकोशदा ॥ १४०॥
She resides in the treasury of the sun’s lord and grants the treasury of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरकोशेशी भास्करेश्वरकोशिनी ।
She is the goddess of the treasury of the sun’s lord and embodies the treasury of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरशक्तिस्था भास्करेश्वरशक्तिदा ।
She resides in the power of the sun’s lord and grants the power of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरतोषेशी भास्करेश्वरतोषिणी ।
She is the goddess of the satisfaction of the sun’s lord and is the one who satisfies the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरक्षेत्रेशी भास्करेश्वरक्षेत्रिणी ॥ १४२॥
She is the goddess of the realm of the sun’s lord and the one who resides in the realm of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरयोगस्था भास्करेश्वरयोगदा ।
She resides in the yoga of the sun’s lord and grants the yoga of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरयोगेशी भास्करेश्वरयोगिनी ।
She is the goddess of the yoga of the sun’s lord and embodies the yoga of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरपद्मेशी भास्करेश्वरपद्मिनी ॥ १४४॥
She is the goddess of the lotus of the sun’s lord and embodies the lotus of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरहृद्बीजा भास्करेश्वरहृद्वरा ।
She is the seed of the sun’s lord’s heart and the boon within the sun’s lord’s heart.
भास्करेश्वरहृद्योनि-र्भास्करेश्वरहृद्युतिः ।
She is the source of the sun’s lord’s heart and the radiance of the sun’s lord’s heart.
भास्करेश्वरबुद्धिस्था भास्करेश्वरसद्विधा ॥ १४५॥
She resides in the intellect of the sun’s lord and embodies the true nature of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरसद्वाणी भास्करेश्वरसद्वरा ।
She is the noble speech of the sun’s lord and the supreme boon of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरराज्यस्था भास्करेश्वरराज्यदा ।
She resides in the kingdom of the sun’s lord and grants the kingdom of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरराज्येशी भास्करेश्वरपोषिणी ॥ १४६॥
She is the goddess of the sun’s lord’s kingdom and the nourisher of the sun’s lord’s realm.
भास्करेश्वरज्ञानस्था भास्करेश्वरज्ञानदा ।
She resides in the knowledge of the sun’s lord and grants the knowledge of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरज्ञानेशी भास्करेश्वरगामिनी ।
She is the goddess of the sun’s lord’s knowledge and guides the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरलक्षेशी भास्करेश्वरक्षालिता ॥ १४८॥
She is the goddess of the sun’s lord’s goal and purifies the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरलक्षिता भास्करेश्वररक्षिता ।
She is marked by the sun’s lord’s goal and protected by the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरखड्गस्था भास्करेश्वरखड्गदा ।
She resides in the sword of the sun’s lord and grants the sword of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरखड्गेशी भास्करेश्वरखड्गिनी ॥ १४९॥
She is the goddess of the sun’s lord’s sword and wields the sword of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरकार्येशी भास्करेश्वरकामिनी ।
She is the goddess of the sun’s lord’s actions and is the beloved of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरकायस्था भास्करेश्वरकायदा ।
She resides in the body of the sun’s lord and grants the body of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरचक्षुःस्था भास्करेश्वरचक्षुषा ।
She resides in the eyes of the sun’s lord and is the vision of the sun’s lord.
भास्करेश्वरसन्नाभा भास्करेश्वरसार्चिता ।
She is the central radiance of the sun’s lord and is worshipped by the sun’s lord.
भ्रूणहत्याप्रशमनी भ्रूणपापविनाशिनी ।
She pacifies the sin of killing a fetus and destroys the sin of harming a fetus.
भ्रूणदारिद्र्यशमनी भ्रूणरोगनिवाशिनी ।
She alleviates the poverty related to birth and resides in curing fetal diseases.
भ्रूणशोकप्रशमनी भ्रूणदोषनिवारिणी ।
She pacifies the sorrow of fetal loss and removes the defects of fetuses.
भ्रूणसन्तापशमनी भ्रूणविभ्रमनाशिनी ।
She alleviates the anguish of fetal suffering and destroys the confusion related to fetuses.
भवाब्धिस्था भवाब्धीशा भवाब्धिभयनाशिनी ।
She resides in the ocean of existence, is the goddess of the ocean of existence, and destroys the fear of the ocean of existence.
भवाब्धिपारकरणी भवाब्धिसुखवर्द्धिनी ।
She enables crossing the ocean of existence and enhances the joy within the ocean of existence.
भवाब्धिकार्यकरणी भवाब्धिकरुणानिधिः ।
She is the cause of actions in the ocean of existence and the treasure of compassion within it.
भवाब्धिकालशमनी भवाब्धिवरदायिनी ।
She pacifies the destructive forces within the ocean of existence and bestows boons within it.
भवाब्धिभजनस्थाना भवाब्धिभजनस्थिता ।
She is the support for worship within the ocean of existence and remains within it.
भवाब्धिभजनाकारा भवाब्धिभजनक्रिया ।
She embodies the form of worship within the ocean of existence and is the action of worship within it.
भवाब्धिभजनाचारा भवाब्धिभजनाङ्कुरा ।
She is the custom of worship within the ocean of existence and the sprout of worship within it.
भवाब्धिभजनानन्दा भवाब्धिभजनाधिपा ।
She is the joy of worship within the ocean of existence and the sovereign of worship within it.
भवाब्धिभजनैश्वर्या भवाब्धिभजनेश्वरी ।
She is the wealth of worship within the ocean of existence and the supreme goddess of worship within it.
भवाब्धिभजनासिद्धिर्ब्भवाब्धिभजनारतिः ।
She is the perfection of worship within the ocean of existence and the delight in worship within it.
Continuing with the next section, here is the line-by-line translation in Sanskrit, English, and Chinese as per your specified format.
भवाब्धिभजनासिद्धिर्ब्भवाब्धिभजनारतिः ।
She is the perfection of worship within the ocean of existence and the delight in worship within it.
भवाब्धिभजनानित्या भवाब्धिभजनानिशा ।
She is the eternal worship within the ocean of existence and the night of worship within it.
भवाब्धिभजनानिम्ना भवाब्धिभवभीतिहा ।
She is immersed in worship within the ocean of existence and removes the fear of existence within it.
भवाब्धिभजनाकाम्या भवाब्धिभजनाकला ।
She is the desire of worship within the ocean of existence and the art of worship within it.
भवाब्धिभजनाकीर्तिर्ब्भवाब्धिभजनाकृता ।
She is the fame of worship within the ocean of existence and the creation of worship within it.
भवाब्धिशुभदा नित्या भवाब्धिशुभदायिनी ।
She eternally bestows auspiciousness within the ocean of existence and grants auspiciousness within it.
भवाब्धिसकलानन्दा भवाब्धिसकलाकला ।
She is all the joy within the ocean of existence and all the arts within it.
भवाब्धिसकलासिद्धिर्ब्भवाब्धिसकलानिधिः ।
She is the perfection of all within the ocean of existence and the treasure of all within it.
भवाब्धिसकलासारा भवाब्धिसकलार्त्थदा ।
She is the essence of all within the ocean of existence and the grantor of all purposes within it.
भवाब्धिभवनामूर्तिर्ब्भवाब्धिभवनाकृतिः ।
She is the form of existence within the ocean of existence and the creation of existence within it.
भवाब्धिभवनाभव्या भवाब्धिभवनाम्भसा ।
She is the auspicious presence within the ocean of existence and shines within it.
भवाब्धिमदनारूपा भवाब्धिमदनातुरा ।
She embodies the form of desire within the ocean of existence and is passionate within it.
भवाब्धिमदनेशानी भवाब्धिमदनेश्वरी ।
She is the goddess of desire within the ocean of existence and the supreme goddess of desire within it.
भवाब्धिभाग्यरचना भवाब्धिभाग्यदा सदा ।
She is the creator of fortune within the ocean of existence and eternally bestows fortune within it.
भवाब्धिभाग्यदाकूला भवाब्धिभाग्यनिर्ब्भरा ।
She is eager to bestow fortune within the ocean of existence and is filled with fortune within it.
भवाब्धिभाग्यनिरता भवाब्धिभाग्यभाविता ।
She is devoted to fortune within the ocean of existence and is enriched by the fortune within it.
भवाब्धिभाग्यसञ्चारा भवाब्धिभाग्यसञ्चिता ।
She moves with fortune within the ocean of existence and accumulates fortune within it.
भवाब्धिभाग्यसुपथा भवाब्धिभाग्यसुप्रदा ।
She is the supreme path of fortune within the ocean of existence and bestows the highest fortune within it.
भवाब्धिभाग्यरीतिज्ञा भवाब्धिभाग्यनीतिदा ।
She is knowledgeable in the ways of fortune within the ocean of existence and grants the conduct of fortune within it.
भवाब्धिभाग्यरीत्येशी भवाब्धिभाग्यरीतिनी ।
She is the goddess of fortune’s customs within the ocean of existence and embodies the customs of fortune within it.
भवाब्धिभोगनिपुणा भवाब्धिभोगसम्प्रदा ।
She is skilled in the enjoyments within the ocean of existence and grants the abundance of enjoyment within it.
भवाब्धिभाग्यगहना भवाब्धिभोग्यगुम्फिता ।
She is the depth of fortune within the ocean of existence and is adorned with the enjoyments within it.
भवाब्धिभोगगान्धारी भवाब्धिभोगगुम्फिता ।
She is the melodic essence of enjoyment within the ocean of existence and is woven with the enjoyments within it.
भवाब्धिभोगसुरसा भवाब्धिभोगसुस्पृहा ।
She is the sweetness of enjoyment within the ocean of existence and is highly desirable within it.
भवाब्धिभोगग्रथिनी भवाब्धिभोगयोगिनी ।
She binds together the enjoyments within the ocean of existence and is united with the enjoyments within it.
भवाब्धिभोगरसना भवाब्धिभोगराजिता ।
She is the taste of enjoyment within the ocean of existence and reigns supreme over the enjoyments within it.
भवाब्धिभोगविभवा भवाब्धिभोगविस्तृता ।
She is the prosperity of enjoyment within the ocean of existence and extends the enjoyments within it.
भवाब्धिभोगवरदा भवाब्धिभोगवन्दिता ।
She grants the boons of enjoyment within the ocean of existence and is revered for the enjoyments within it.
भवाब्धिभोगकुशला भवाब्धिभोगशोभिता ।
She is skilled in the enjoyments within the ocean of existence and is adorned by the enjoyments within it.
भवाब्धिभेदजननी भवाब्धिभेदपालिनी ।
She is the mother of distinctions within the ocean of existence and the protector of distinctions within it.
भवाब्धिभेदरचना भवाब्धिभेदरक्षिता ।
She is the creator of distinctions within the ocean of existence and is safeguarded by the distinctions within it.
भवाब्धिभेदनियता भवाब्धिभेदनिस्पृहा ।
She regulates the distinctions within the ocean of existence and remains detached from the distinctions within it.
भवाब्धिभेदरचना भवाब्धिभेदरोषिता ।
She is the manifestation of distinctions within the ocean of existence and is intense within the distinctions.
भवाब्धिभेदराशिघ्नी भवाब्धिभेदराशिनी ।
She destroys the masses of distinctions within the ocean of existence and embodies the mass of distinctions within it.
भवाब्धिभेदकर्मेशी भवाब्धिभेदकर्मिणी ।
She is the goddess of actions of distinctions within the ocean of existence and performs the actions of distinctions within it.
भद्रेशी भद्रजननी भद्रा भद्रनिवासिनी ।
She is the auspicious goddess, the mother of auspicious beings, is auspicious herself, and resides in auspiciousness.
भद्रेश्वरी भद्रवती भद्रस्था भद्रदायिनी ।
She is the supreme goddess of auspiciousness, full of auspiciousness, resides in auspiciousness, and grants auspiciousness.
भद्ररूपा भद्रमयी भद्रदा भद्रभाषिणी ।
She embodies the form of auspiciousness, is filled with auspiciousness, bestows auspiciousness, and speaks auspicious words.
भद्रकर्णा भद्रवेशा भद्राम्बा भद्रमन्दिरा ।
She has auspicious ears, wears auspicious attire, is the auspicious mother, and is the temple of auspiciousness.
भद्रक्रिया भद्रकला भद्रिका भद्रवर्द्धिनी ।
She is auspicious action, auspicious art, the embodiment of auspiciousness, and enhances auspiciousness.
भद्रक्रीडा भद्रकला भद्रलीलाभिलाषिणी ।
She delights in auspicious play, possesses auspicious skills, and desires auspicious pastimes.
भद्राङ्कुरा भद्ररता भद्राङ्गी भद्रमन्त्रिणी ।
She is the sprout of auspiciousness, delights in auspiciousness, has an auspicious form, and is the goddess of auspicious mantras.
भद्रविद्याऽभद्रविद्या भद्रवाग्भद्रवादिनी ।
She is the knowledge of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness, speaks auspicious words, and conveys auspicious speech.
भूपमङ्गलदा भूपा भूलता भूमिवाहिनी ।
She bestows auspiciousness upon the earth, is the ruler of the earth, spreads across the land, and supports the earth.
भूपभोगा भूपशोभा भूपाशा भूपरूपदा ।
She is the enjoyment of the earth, the beauty of the earth, the hope of the earth, and the one who bestows form upon the earth.
भूपाकृतिर्ब्भूपतिर्ब्भूपश्रीर्ब्भूपश्रेयसी ।
She is the form of the earth, the lord of the earth, the prosperity of the earth, and the ultimate auspiciousness of the earth.
भूपनीतिर्ब्भूपरीतिर्ब्भूपभीतिर्ब्भयङ्करी ।
She is the justice of the earth, the conduct of the earth, the fear within the earth, and the remover of fear.
भवदानन्दलहरी भवदानन्दसुन्दरी ।
She is the wave of bliss in existence and the beauty of bliss in existence.
भवदानन्दकरणी भवदानन्दवर्द्धिनी ।
She is the cause of bliss in existence and increases the bliss within existence.
भवदानन्दरमणी भवदानन्ददायिनी ।
She is the delight of bliss in existence and bestows the bliss within existence.
भवदानन्दजननी भवदानन्दरूपिणी ।
She is the mother of bliss in existence and embodies the form of bliss in existence.
य इदम्पठते स्तोत्रम्प्रत्यहम्भक्तिसंयुतः ।
One who recites this hymn daily with devotion
गुरुभक्तियुतो भूत्वा गुरुसेवापरायणः ।
with devotion to the guru and dedicated to serving the guru
सत्यवादी जितेन्द्री च ताम्बूलपूरिताननः ।
truthful, self-controlled, and with a mouth filled with betel
दिवा रात्रौ च सन्ध्यायां स भवेत्परमेश्वरः ।
by day, by night, and at twilight, he becomes the supreme lord.
स्तवमात्रस्य पाठेन राजा वश्यो भवेद्ध्रुवम् ।
Merely by reciting this hymn, one will certainly gain mastery over kings.
सर्वागमेषु विज्ञानी सर्वतन्त्रे स्वयं हरः ।
He becomes knowledgeable in all scriptures and is himself Lord Shiva in all practices.
गुरोर्मुखात्समभ्यस्य स्थित्वा च गुरुसन्निधौ ।
Learning from the mouth of the guru and remaining in the presence of the guru,
शिवस्थानेषु सन्ध्यायां शून्यागारे चतुष्पथे ।
at twilight in Shiva’s holy places, in empty temples, and crossroads,
यः पठेच्छृणुयाद्वापि स योगी नात्र संशयः ।
whoever reads or hears this, that person will become a yogi without doubt.
सर्वस्वन्दक्षिणान्दद्यात्स्त्रीपुत्रादिकमेव च ।
He should give all kinds of offerings, including wife and children,
स्वच्छन्दमानसो भूत्वा स्तवमेतत्समुद्धरेत् ।
and, with a mind free from desire, should recite this hymn.
एतत्स्तोत्ररतो देवि हररूपो न संशयः ।
O Goddess, the one devoted to this hymn is certainly in the form of Shiva.
यः पठेच्छृणुयाद्वापि एकचित्तेन सर्वदा ।
One who recites or hears this with single-mindedness always,
स दीर्ग्घायुः सुखी वाग्ग्मी वाणी तस्य न संशयः ।
will have long life, happiness, eloquence, and unquestionable speech.
धनवान् गुणवाञ्श्रीमान् धीमानिव गुरुः प्रिये ।
He becomes wealthy, virtuous, respected, and wise like a guru, O Beloved.
सर्वेषान्तु प्रियो भूत्वा पूजयेत्सर्वदा स्तवम् ।
Becoming beloved by all, he should always revere this hymn.
मन्त्रसिद्धिः करस्थैव तस्य देवि न संशयः ।
O Goddess, success in mantras will rest in his hands without a doubt.
कुबेरत्वम्भवेत्तस्य तस्याधीना हि सिद्धयः ।
He will attain the wealth of Kubera, and all perfections will be at his command.
मृतपुत्रा च या नारी दौर्ब्भाग्यपरिपीडिता ।
A woman who has lost children and is tormented by misfortune,
वन्ध्या वा काकवन्ध्या वा मृतवत्सा च याऽङ्गना ।
whether barren, giving birth only to one, or having lost her offspring,
धनधान्यविहीना च रोगशोकाकुला च या ।
or deprived of wealth and grains, afflicted with disease and sorrow,
ताभिरेतन्महादेवि भूर्ज्जपत्रे विलेखयेत् ।
should write this on birch bark, O Great Goddess,
सव्ये भुजे च बध्नीयात्सर्वसौख्यवती भवेत् ।
and wear it on her left arm, and she will attain all happiness.
एवम्पुनः पुनः प्रायाद्दुःखेन परिपीडिता ।
In this way, she will repeatedly rid herself of all suffering.
सभायां व्यसने व्वाणी विवादे शत्रुसङ्कटे ।
In assemblies, in misfortune, in disputes, and in enemy distress,
चतुरङ्गे तथा युद्धे सर्वत्रापदि पीडिते ।
and in all battles and adversities,
स्मरणादस्य कल्याणि संशयय्याति दूरतः ।
merely by remembering this, O Auspicious One, doubt will vanish far away.
न देयम्परशिष्याय नाभक्ताय च दुर्ज्जने ।
It should not be given to another’s disciple, the faithless, or the wicked.
दाम्भिकाय कुशीलाय कृपणाय सुरेश्वरि ।
nor to the arrogant, immoral, or miserly, O Queen of Gods.
दद्याच्छिष्याय शान्ताय विनीताय जितात्मने ।
It should be given to a peaceful, humble disciple, self-controlled,
भक्ताय शान्तियुक्ताय जपपूजारताय च ।
devoted, peaceful, engaged in chanting and worship,
जन्मान्तरसहस्रैस्तु वर्णितुन्नैव शक्यते ।
for even in a thousand lifetimes, it is impossible to describe fully